
Towan - Reception

Welcome to Towan Class!
Your class teacher is Mrs Turner and Mrs Humphreys is the teaching assistant who supports us. Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Towan Class on Tuesday afternoons during Mrs Turner's PPA.
In Towan Class, we have questions to investigate with adult support and independent learning opportunities. Towan's wonder question this half term is 'I wonder who am I and who are you?'
We aim to provide opportunities for learning through children's interest and fascinations and to encourage children to investigate and answer their own questions.
Reading Records: 
We ask that children read at home at least four times a week. Reading records will be collected every Friday and reads will be counted in order for children to move through the Karate Reading levels.  Your child's RWI login details will be in the front of the Reading Records.
This will be taught on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure that P.E kits are in school on this day and that children have shoes and warm clothes as we aim for them to be outside as much as possible. We ask that all items of clothing is labelled.
Towan's Curriculum